Way of Order [Monk]

A Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Class Specialization

When I met Orion she told me she was a monk immediately. I was pleased to hear this. Monks are mostly very relaxed and balanced. They make reasonable decisions and normally have a well informed view of what is right or wrong.
But as we went into this big city, she saw a man pay with counterfait coins at a market stall. She immediately pulled him towards the center of the street. A zone of magic started to appear around the both of them, hanging like a shimmer in the air. She started asking him questions and he exposed all his crimes right there, in front of everybody. Then she dragged him away towards the nearest watchpost and dropped him there, whimpering, while she told them all of his crimes and why they should incarcerate him for all of them.
I remembered stealing an apple when I was younger. Better keep that to myself. Orion is cool, but SO intense.

harvesh the paladin

The way of order dedicates itself to be beyond reproach. What they do cannot be questioned. Otherwise, what is the use of dedicating their lives to such a rigid daily routine, where law governs every step. Nearly uncorruptable, these monks form the backbone of larger monasteries. They are respected and feared, for one never knows what one has done wrong in the immense scope of written laws.

Way of Order features
Monk LevelFeature
3rdExpose the Truth, Ordered Mind
6thNot How It Should Be, Truth Be Told
11thNever Led Astray
17thDay of Reckoning

Way of Order Features

Below you can find all of the way of order features.

Optional Level 1 Feature
Unlisted on ‘Way of Order’ table are possible level 1 features. Though the class isn’t designed around a level 1 feature, I have added these for all classes in my own campaigns. This way, you can embrace the type of monk you want to be from the start.

Stable Conviction

Level 1 Feature (optional)

Deception and Insight checks made against you have disadvantage.

Expose the Truth

Level 3 Feature

You know how to expose the weaknesses of your enemies to your allies. After you have hit a creature with one of your Flurry of Blows attacks, you expose a spot on the that creature’s exterior for an ally to attack. Until the start of your next turn, the first creature that attacks the creature gains advantage on the attack and deals extra damage equal to your martial arts die.

Ordered Mind

Level 3 Feature

You have studied thoroughly and disbelief any lie. You have proficiency in the History and Insight skills. If you already had proficiency in the History skill, you gain expertise instead.

Not how it Should Be

Level 6 Feature

After a creature within 30 feet misses with an opportunity attack, you can use your reaction to make it reroll its opportunity attack. You immediately regain the use of your reaction but you cannot spend it on this feature again until the end of your next turn.

Truth be Told

Level 6 Feature

You can cast the Zone of Truth spell. The spell uses your monk DC for the saving throw.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). You regain all expended uses after you finish a long rest.

Never led Astray

Level 11 Feature

Because things are simply always only what they really are, you gain the following benefits:

  • If a spell compels you to share information you do not want to share, you can simply choose to not share that information.
  • Spells that move or teleport you against your will fail if you want them to.
  • Standing up from the prone condition requires only 5 feet of movement.
  • You gain expertise in the Insight skill.
  • You have advantage on saving throws against charm, domination, or similar effects.

Day of Reckoning

Level 17 Feature

When you take the attack action, you can make an Insight check versus the target creature’s Deception check. If you succeed, you can see the faults of your enemy clearly and all your attacks on your turn have advantage until the end of your turn. You can spend 1 ki per succesful hit to deal an extra martial arts die of damage.

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