Marksman [Ranger]

A Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Class Specialization

My name is not important, but for the last five years, I was stranded on an island with only one goal: survive. I found a bow, learned a lot of trick shots and now I am ready to fight the pirate crew that dumped me here. If only I had a boat… Or a ship. Vengeance, in the end, will be mine. For I will have become something else…

Boliver King

You are a master in the use of your weapon. You have trained extensively with either the bow or the crossbow and, combined with your magic, you have learned to make it the deadliest weapon there is.

Marksman Features

Optional Level 1 Feature
If you like to start your specialization early, you can make the Ranged Mastery feature a 1st level feature.

Ammunition Expert

Level 3 Feature

Your arrows or bolts becomes more deadly. Any bow or crossbow attack deals 1d8 damage, unless the normal damage is already higher. You can also reroll a result of 1 on the damage die of your bow or crossbow attacks. You have to keep the new result, even if it is a 1 again.

In addition, you can apply one of the following effects on the first shot that hits during your turn. The saving throw uses your Ranger spell DC:

  • Cast the Hunter’s Mark spell without spending a bonus action or a spell slot.
  • The target must make a Strength saving throw or it is pushed back 10 feet.
  • The target must make a Dexterity saving throw or it is knocked prone.
  • The target must make a Wisdom saving throw or it has disadvantage on its next attack.

Marksman’s Mark

Level 3 Feature

You add the Hunter’s Mark spell to your spells known. It doesn’t count towards your maximum spells known.

Ranged Mastery

Level 3 Feature

Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn’t impose disadvantage on your ranged attack rolls with a missile weapon.

In addition you ignore all cover except total cover.

Careful Aim

Level 7 Feature

As an action and when using a bow or crossbow, you can make an attack and gain the following benefits:

  • You gain advantage on the attack roll.
  • You deal an additional 2d6 of damage of the same type as your weapon.
  • You score a critical hit on an 18, 19, or a 20.

The extra damage increases to 3d6 at 9th level and 4d6 at 12th level.

Hooked Shot

Level 11 Feature

When you make a bow or crossbow attack and by spending a spell slot, you can transform the arrow or bolt into a hooked shot. You can do this once on your turn. Your ammunition becomes a magical grappling hook with a weightless but very strong rope attached to it. The distance you can shoot the hook is equal to the spell slot used times 50 feet, but never more than the long range of your weapon. When the attack hits and the target is a creature, it is allowed a Dexterity saving throw against your Ranger spell DC. On a failed saving throw, the hook takes a hold. Objects are not allowed a saving throw. You can then apply one of the following options:

Move to Creature. You can use your move to cross the distance between you and a creature you hit. The creature must be of at least equal size to you. You provoke no opportunity attacks.

Move to Object. You can use your move to cross the distance between you and the object you hit. The object must be atleast as heavy as you are. You provoke no opportunity attacks.

Pull Creature. You can pull a creature that you hit towards you as long as it is no larger than your size. You pull it 10 feet towards you, plus an extra 10 feet per level of the spell slot. If the creature is willing, it can spend its reaction to be pulled towards a space next to you.

Pull Object. You can pull an object that you hit towards you as long as it is no larger than your size. You pull it 10 feet towards you, plus an extra 10 feet per level of the spell slot.

Swing. If your surrounding allow it, you can swing up to half the distance of the reach of your hooked shot instead of making a move action. You cannot use your Careful Aim or Ammunition Expert feature in combination with this feature.

Marksman Shot

Level 15 Feature

You gain a third attack if you use the attack action, as long as you use a bow or crossbow for all your attacks.

In addition, when you use your Careful Aim feature, you now deal an extra 7d6 damage. This increases to 8d6 at 16th level, 9d6 at 18th level, and finally to 10d6 at 20th level.

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