Category: Class Specialization

  • Ranger – Marksman Conclave

    Ranger – Marksman Conclave

    You are a master in the use of your weapon. You have trained extensively with either the bow or the crossbow and, combined with your magic, you have learned to make it the deadliest weapon there is. Conclave versus just Marksman.The naming of this class takes the Ranger UA into account. This would mean that…

  • Monk – Way of Order

    Monk – Way of Order

    The way of order dedicates itself to be beyond reproach. What they do cannot be questioned. Otherwise, what is the use of dedicating their lives to such a rigid daily routine, where law governs every step? Nearly uncorruptable, these monks form the backbone of larger monasteries. They are respected and feared, for one never knows…

  • Cleric – Blood Domain

    Cleric – Blood Domain

    Be it for the light or the dark, the blood domain lets you interfere in the blood flow of others, manipulating it to their benefit or their demise. While some are healers, other use the rituals granted by their deity or source of power to make veins burst or eyes bleed. Blood Domain features Cleric…

  • Monk – Way of the Moon Soul

    Monk – Way of the Moon Soul

    The way of the moon soul moves in the shadows, deflecting the light of the moon into the minds of her opponents. She causes her target to become deranged, insane, touched by the moon; a lunatic. Way of Moon Soul features Monk Level Feature 3rd Bonus Proficiencies, Sickles Of The Moon, Way Of The Moon…

  • Battlerager


    Running ahead of his companions, his charge helmet pointing towards the enemy, he knows he will be the first one to wreak carnage. He can still smell the blood from the last battle within his steel cage and it drives him to run even harder. The hill is steep and as he falls. He starts…